Monday, January 11, 2010

Area 53 - Photo 3 - Dillon Snowfall

It's already week three of our 'Area 53' project and I found myself almost too busy to obtain any new photographs in order to get my post up on time. With the clock working against me today, and with a busy schedule to boot, I thought about my options and decided to take a walk in the snowstorm during my lunch to take a picture of Dillon Hall.

Dillon Hall is located at the centre of the University of Windsor's campus, where I work. Architected and built in 1928 around the original Assumption College Roman Catholic building, it has a very ghostly and unique design to it. I thought the snow would accentuate the photograph even more but it only proved to cause me problems as it did nothing more than melt all over my lens.

With that in mind, I decided to take a shot of the the sign and windows above the buildings main entrance, not the best photo in the world, but I like it. I'll have to try again when it's not blizzarding outside, maybe even in the fall when the building's ivy covered brick is glowing with autumn colour.

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